a white banner with the words `` create stories '' in a red frame .
a white banner with the words `` create stories '' in a red frame .

Albums photos & scrapbook

Fast, simple and fun! Only print the photos you want, in the formats and quantities you need with our easy to use online printing app.

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a woman is looking at a family photo album .

Yes! We digitize photo albums and album pages!

We scan entire album pages or break them into individual items. Plus, we'll even delete photos from albums for you! Just tell us what you're looking for.

Albums photo pages scrapbook

Once digitized, the lifespan of your album/photo/journal pages is significantly increased and as a result, the images are permanently protected from environmental damage. Enjoy album images and scanned pages on modern devices and share the files with as many people as you want! Your original materials are provided to you upon completion of the project.


Up to 12x18pages Cropping options Custom scans and file organization are available.

File deliverables:

High resolution scans 300 dpi JPG or TIFF


DVD / CD USB stick Digital download

How it works

Step 1

Drop-off family memories photographs, home movies + memorabilia for digitizing. Speak with a Professional archivist about your Project at Photo Service.

Step 2

Your analog media are carefully transformed into modern media formats for easy viewing on today’s technology. 

Step 3

Peace of mind! Relax knowing your precious family moments are protected for generations! Now you can share your files with friends + family!

Who needs a copy?

Once your documents are scanned, making duplicates is quite simple and affordable. Before you begin your project, think about who else would like a set of files: parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, your children, etc. It's far too complicated and risky to pass around the same DVD or USB key to family members.

Keep your memories safe + local!

We never recommend shipping away family archives, treasured photos and irreplaceable home movies.

It's too risky.

Media Options

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